Kit Review.

The Trangia Stove The Trangia is part of a family of Swedish storm-proof stoves that are still readily available from camping shops and on the internet. This family firm (Trangia AB) was founded in 1925 by Jon Jonsson, who was a gifted and entrepreneurial engineer.

It is basically an alcohol-burning stove that can function in high winds. The most practical alcohol is methylated spirits, which can be readily purchased from hardware shops.

The alcohol burner heats an aluminium billy and there is a top for the billy that doubles as a frying pan. The billy also has a hook that allows it to be used over an open fire. The whole apparatus sits neatly inside a storm-guard.

The burner is traditionally made from brass and the meths is simply poured in. As it vaporises, it will readily burn.  It is an un-pressurised system, that seems to work well in windy conditions. The burner has a screw-on top, so when it’s not in use, it doesn’t leak.

The more modern Trangia stoves come in a variety of sizes,particularly the 25 Series (3-4 people), The 27 Series (1-2 people) and the “Mini” (for 1 person). They are also made from titanium, or a titanium/aluminium mix, which some people say is better than aluminium as the food doesn’t stick to the surface so much. They tried Teflon for a while, but the problem is that the Teflon flaked off. The one in the picture is the one that i use it is a military version that cost around £12.00. 


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